Vintage Years

Costume Hire and Fancy Dress

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Costume Menu


A very large selection of medieval costumes are available including headwear and accessories. We cater for all classes of character some of them quite unsavory. Again one of our main specialities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Muskateer, Cavalier, period,costume,medieval, hire,
medieval, period, costume, johny kidd, pirate, hire,
medieval, period, costume, wench, pirate, trollope, hire,
medieval, period, costume, wench, pirate, trollope, hire,
Cromwell, period, costume, school, medieval, hire,
medieval, gentleman, period, costume, hire,
medieval, wench,  period, costume, hire,
Black  Adder, elizabethan, period, costume, television, hire,
Black  Adder, elizabethan, Queenie, period, costume, television, hire,